
Here are a few things to remember as you are collecting the information you need to file your taxes.

Your Tax Preparer usually doesn't need individual receipts
    If so, you will receive Form 1099-G in the mail from The Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Make sure you open all mail from the State AND the IRS, even if it doesn’t look important!
  • IF YOU PAID ESTIMATED TAXES IN 2023 AND JANUARY 2024, please list the date of payment and the amount paid.
  • IF YOUR HEALTH INSURANCE IS THROUGH THE HEALTH CONNECTOR, you will receive a copy of Form 1095A in the mail.
  • PLEASE DO NOT PROVIDE US COPIES OF YOUR MEDICAL RECEIPTS. We need ONLY a summary of the total medical expenses you paid.

The best way to insure speedy processing is to make sure you provide your tax preparer with all the necessary information and totals, but keep your receipts handy at home!